Story. Rites. Retreat

Join us at the Chalice Well Gardens, deep in the heart of Glastonbury, for an exploration of myth and ritual for personal transformation and deep self care.
We will take stories of birth, adventure, agency transformation and belonging for this years retreat. As we gather and create together through myth and ritual we will loosen places within is us that are trapped. We take these places to the waters of Avalon and the magic of the Chalice Well Gardens as others have been doing for centuries.
—From a past participant, details omitted for their sensitivity

A group of us will stay at the retreat house at the Chalice Well gardens and use story to reach out to hidden , numb, forgotten, forlorn and unloved places within us. This is a deep soul journey with the majesty and alchemy of myth as its backbone. We will take the story is sections , re telling, writing, crafting, sharing and conjuring our own wholeness through this ancient tale. We will also visit and create ritual in the White Spring
We will be staying in the luxury retreat house at the Chalice Well, Glastonbury.
The Chalice Well, also known as the Red Spring, lies hidden in the Vale of Avalon between Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill and is enfolded within a gorgeous, sacred garden. For over two thousand years it has been a welcome retreat for those seeking healing, peace and even inspiration by drinking the sacred waters.
Today, the site is lovingly cared by the Chalice Well Trust. The gardens, filled with flowers to evoke the senses, rise up from the entrance to the well head at the top and are separated into ‘rooms’ with the copper-red spring waters flowing downwards throughout.
The well itself lies at the top of the garden and is so-called because it is said that Joseph of Arimathea, when he visited Glastonbury, buried or washed the Holy Chalice here and as a result the spring appeared and has continued to flow ever since at the same rate and temperature.
Early Bird Price, till December 15th £440
Actual Price £720 (contact me for concessions)
Accommodation and food included in price

—From a past participant, details omitted for their sensitivity

is for anybody who feels the call to…
Spend some time out time tending to their inner landscape
Explore myth and story
Work with the magic of avalon
Practise storytelling as a sacred art
Weave story into their own work or practise
You will leave this retreat with…
Tenacity to create your own rituals for life
Vitality to revisit old creative passions and reignite them
Inspiration to explore myth and story in your own way
Deeper soul connection
—Past participant

Women Who Run With The Wolves
Storytelling, Mending, Ritual
A seven-month online course exploring stories from the book Women Who Run With The Wolves through storytelling, ritual, writing, crafting and sharing.

A few years ago, I trained in Colorado with Clarissa Pinkhola Estes (Dr E) author of Women who Run with the Wolves; where I was educated, encouraged and inspired to work with story in deeper ways.
Each year I will hold an online zoom circle. A group of magnificent women, gathering together to mine the stories from Dr E’s book Women Who Run with The Wolves; to remind us of ancient wisdom and the transformative magic of myth, in a deep, safe, nourishing space.

Please get in touch if you would like to join us.
Each of the seven sessions runs monthly on Sundays from 2pm until 7pm,
The course costs £560 (£80 per session) a £100 deposit secures you a place.
50% payment is required one week before the first session with the additional payment by the end of the year.